Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Five: Taking A Break

Songbird says: "Where we live, it's February School Vacation Week!Yes, that's an odd thing, a vacation extending President's Day. But it's part of our lives here. Some people go South or go skiing, but we always stay home and find more humble amusements.In that spirit, I offer this Taking a Break Friday Five. "

Tell us how you would spend:
1. A 15 minute break -- Catching up on my blog reading which has been neglected of late.
2. An afternoon off -- When I got my new countertops, a small amount of wall was left that needs a paint touch-up. An afternoon would do it. But I haven't had one!
3. An unexpected free day -- I am longing for a day to go to the big city to have a shopping day. Yes I know it's way early to start looking at "those dresses" but....a girl can dream!
4. A week's vacation -- I'd grab R and we'd go South together....maybe to look at one of the places we dream about relocating to someday.
5. A sabbatical --Oh no contest on this one. I'd find some group that sponsors counselors in NOLA and head down and do some work there for at least part of the time, the other part, I'd take some kind of class in Scripture or preaching and I'd write like a fool the whole time!


Deb said...

I dream of writing some day too... not Turabian format, though. And going South sounds very attractive (at almost 9:30 a.m. we aren't even at 25 degrees!)


imngrace said...

I do love the South. Just returned from a short trip. Got my fix for a while.

Magdalene6127 said...

Nice play, Kate. I particularly love the sabbatical idea. Really good.

Terri said...

well...let me know if you want to check out the southwest....

and, it's never too early to look begin to look at those's fun.

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

I don't know about the dress thing...but what fun to even begin to contemplate what you want.

Unknown said...

It's never too early to look for "those" dresses, the process takes time!

kathrynzj said...

Blog reading - check!

And yes on the helping others during sabbatical. Good call!

Anonymous said...

finally taking the fifteen to catch up on blog reading - wow!! I am so excited for you and R - makes me all teary!! and it is NEVER too early to look for that dress! It's a process... to be celebrated and enjoyed

Anonymous said...

You can always come see me!!!!!!!! I have plenty of space... and cook pretty good (so says me).

Congratulations.... on the upcoming grand event. BTW... it's NEVER too early to look for the dress!

Just sitting here smiling... and dreaming of how gorgeous you will be!

RevDrKate said...

Thanks for those travel offers! You never know where we may turn up!