Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Five: Vital Connection

Sally says: "OK I'll admit it, right now I am exhausted, there is so much going on and so much to do that I fell like I am running around in small circles, add to that the fact that there is so much that I'd like to do ....

What I need to do is give myself permission (make myself) to stop and to refocus, to breath the air and smell the roses to get perspective and to rest in God's presence, and sometimes that can be hard to achieve but I know that the harder it gets, the more essential it becomes. Somewhere deep inside I hear the Spirit whispering to my soul:"
Live in me, make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can't bear grapes by itself, but only by being joined to the vine, you can't bear fruit unless you are joined to me... (John 15: 4)

So I want to ask you

1. How do you intentionally make a vital daily connection with God? What roots you and gives you life? I use a variety of things. Praying the daily office, sometimes with a prayerbook and sometimes online. I am a visual person, so my workspace has a lot of little reminders to take a minute to reconnect (a magnet, a small "mini-rosary," a photo). I also try to use place when I get in the car, sit down to eat, get in bed, as ways to remind me to take a minute to be mindful of God's love and care for me.

2. Do you have a favourite space/ place that you go to? I had a conversation about this recently at a clergy retreat, and in talking with people, I realized that I have left my "places" behind in our last move and they have not been replaced or replicated in my new environment. I used to love to just hang out in our sanctuary at church when no one else was there.  I also had some outdoor places that I loved to go.  The other "sacred space" in my life is our little mini-Cooper when it's just my husband and I off on a road trip.  I have always connected with God through R and having this little island of time and space gives us a chance to do that. I am hoping that in this next (and I hope final for a while) move, I will be able to rediscover some places, and with a new schedule for him down the road, we will be able to have those times again, too.

3. Is there a particular passage, phrase or prayer that brings you immediately into God's presence? "Be still and know that I am God." I like to meditate on the whole phrase and use "Be" as a kind of reminder mantra when I get anxious or start spinning too fast.
4. Music- essential ingredient or distraction- discuss. Depends. Sometimes it can take me right where I need to be.  Sometimes it is noise and distraction and I want it all. off.  We have "muzak" at our clinic and even though it is supposed to be soothing, (Enya, flutes, etc.) sometimes I'd like to unplug it permanently.

5. Silence and solitude or engagement with like minded others? I am am "I" on the Meyers Briggs, so I need my ration of alone-time.  However, I also find that having companions on the spiritual journey is an important thing.  I like to sit in silence and pray or meditate in a group as it often feels like we are creating a synergy that enhances the experience.

Bonus, a poem, piece of inspirational prose or music that speaks to you of that vital connection. Would love to find and link to something...but the schedule doesn't permit today.  "Be Thou my Vision" and "Be Still and Know" are two that come to mind.


Sally said...

Hope you soon find the right physical space, but the fact that you currently have different time sounds like a blessing. Great post.

river song said...

Oh, I think I really get your #2--both challenging and a little exciting. Aren't the many online prayer and liturgy resources wonderful? thanks for playing; peace!

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

I am still looking for "my place" in the community I serve. It takes time.

Jan said...

I'm with Sally - I hope you find your new spaces soon. There is power is place, I believe.

Deb said...

"Be Still and Know... That I AM" -- favorite breath prayer. Thank you. :)

Jennifer said...

Lovely play! I hope you find your space (or it finds you.)