Monday, September 07, 2009 Update and Prayer Request

I went to see L yesterday. He has been moved again up to the jail in the next town. the same one he was moved to on that Christmas Eve that I made the flying trip to visit him. This time I knew he was there. His girlfriend called and told me. She found out after she tried to call and talk to him and he wasn't there. So did M, after he tried to visit him here one day and found out he was gone. It's been harder for him to have company now that he's thirty miles up the road from us. In my more cynical moments I wonder if that was why he was selected for a move. He had been getting a fair amount of guests. M, myself, his community worker. Though not, according, to L, his public defender. His court date is tomorrow and the PD still has not talked to him. He is sad and discouraged and worried about the outcome. He's been hearing horror stories about "other guys" who went to prison for similar offenses and he's afraid that is his future too. He has one of his "bad feelings about this, RevKate." He cried the whole time we talked. He wants so badly to have another chance. He promises never again to forget to do anything that is expected of him. He says if he even thinks he might have forgotten something, he will go do it over again, "just in case."

His plan, if he is allowed to go free is to move down to the southern part of the state with D. He has finally realized that he would be better off with a little more distance from some family members. He told me some more stories yesterday about some things with family that made me really sad for him. He needs a fresh start. D seems to truly care for him and to have his best interest at heart, and I am hopeful that they could perhaps be good for each other. Tomorrow could be the beginning of that start. Or it could be the beginning of another stretch of jail time....
Please keep him in your prayers. Thanks.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Saying a prayer.

Terri said...

prayers ascending.

Anonymous said...

praying & will continue to pray...

Mary Beth said...

Absolutely praying.

zorra said...

Praying for tomorrow's outcome and encouragement for L.

Rev SS said...

dang, this is so sad .. it's tomorrow ... but I'm praying ... please let us know how it went ... and if we should be writing him again.

imngrace said...

Still praying from this part of the world.