Friday, November 06, 2009

Friday Five: What's New

Songbird says: "There's a new baby on my street, a double PK whose Mom and Dad are Methodist pastors and church planters. I'm hoping to go over and meet her today. I love new babies, the way they smell and their sweet little fingers and toes. Little K has me thinking about all the new things that please us with their shiny freshness.Please share with us five things you like *especially* when they are new."
  • Well of course since my "romance" is still pretty new....that has to go on the list. I mean there anything better and more thrilling than brand new love?
  • Crass and material though it may be....there is nothing like the feel of a brand new car. I don't even have to own it! I just like to drive it around.
  • New beginnings in school years, New Years, new programs, a new group starting, meeting a new friend, trying something I have not done before, visiting a new place.....well you get the idea
  • I recently got a new bed after a very very very long time. It was amazing what a difference it made. So I guess I could say I like new beds!
  • And as much as I love my familiar Rite II BCP liturgy, every now and again I love something new with which to celebrate and language or new music to wake up my senses and move my soul and mind and spirit in a new way.


Auntie Knickers said...

Some really good points made here. I don't expect or want a new romance at this point in my life -- but it's nice to look back on and also nice to see others experiencing it! And I also like your comments on new liturgy. In UCC, we haven't much; but I used to be a church secretary for a Lutheran pastor who was the Liturgy Queen and even typing some of what she came up with was a religious experience!

angela said...

Some of your new beginnings would make me fear instead of embrace. Not that they aren't very healthy though and I love how you describe each one. Hadn't thought about a new bed in a while either. I like a new car even if it's not new except to me. And liturgically it does make me pause a bit and miss the old one but incredibly new insights await the open mind and soul, so I see new liturgy, or a mix as very good.

Anonymous said...

It isn't crass to love a new car. We will probably never own another new car... but that doesn't mean we don't like them!!!!

mid-life rookie said...

I preached on new beginnings a while back. I too like the beginning of a year, project, relationship, job....

Rev. Pink Dragon said...

I hadn't thought of a new school year - I LOVED those each time! And I agree that new love is a beautiful (and unique) experience. Your writing made me smile.

Unknown said...

A new bed can be wonderful, if it turns out to be the way you wanted it!

Barbara B. said...

yay on your first one! :)