Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lent Day 17

Lent seems to be kind of clipping along. February got lost somewhere and is almost over. The disciplines of trust and submission that I was so worried about finding a "how" for are being taken care of nicely, thank you. Now why I ever doubted that I have no idea. Life has slipped into a Lenten rhythm. I seem to be spending a lot of time with my Presbyterian friends, which is a good thing. I feel very comfortable in my second church home. So much so that when my Soul Sister asked my help with the Lenten program she was leading tonight I said "sure, why not." We did Prayer for People Who Can't Sit Still. There were four options, prayer walking, dance as prayer, journaling as prayer or making prayer beads. A introduced the evening, then people could go off to their chosen activity for a time, then we reassembled to share with a partner how it went. This is a multigenerational group....from two to seventy and everyone really did participate. I led the journal group. We reflected on and responded to the Twenty-Third Psalm from Psalms for Praying. My group seemed to really enjoy their time being quiet and writing. After we gathered again it was fun to hear about the other's experiences as well and it sounded like overall it was a good experience for people. She was asked to do some of the activities again next week while we have the Labyrinth walk going on, so she has agreed. It's amazing what you can get a bunch of Minnesotans to do on a cold winter's night in Lent!


Diane M. Roth said...

oh Kate, I want to know about the "prayer for people who can't sit still!" I might want to use that sometime.

RevDrKate said...

It's inspired by a book of the same name by William Tenney-Brittian available on Amazon. Very good stuff for all ages.