Sunday, December 16, 2007


So I hope you'll all just humor me while I gush. I am in serious afterglow here. Lessons and Carols was some good stuff. We had over a HUNDRED people packed into my tiny little church including the sardines in the choir up on the altar. We were not musicallyperfect but we were really really good....and even better the sense of it was reverent and focused...there was an energy about it that was right where it needed to be. I have loved Lessons and Carols since the first time I head it...the telling of the story in song and word, it just grabs me and pulls me in so totally. I was pretty excited when I moved out here and found out that this wee place had the audacity to pull this thing off every year...and in rather fine style. This was the best yet, at least since I've been here. I did truly love the musical setting his year. But I think it's more than that. Last year I was all stressy. Overfunctioning in a hundred different ways. Doing eveyone's jobs, micromanaging and getting all in a snit about things. This year I stuck to my robing chores and pretty much stayed in my own zone. Let other people worry about their stuff, helped out when needed, but gave up the overfunctioning and getting into other people's outcomes. Oh so much better. Kept me happy, and I daresay, probably did not upset them too much either!

So the adrenaline is ebbing away, I am fading into the lovely tired of a good thing done. Bed is calling. The Sunday of Joy is complete.


Rev SS said...

How wonderful! I've been on the planet long enough to share your joy when I can still get fizzy ...and I hear you ... Christmas Worship with lessons and carols well done .... that'll do it every time!

Diane M. Roth said...

I love lessons and carols! we're having it at husband's church tonight!

Terri said...

oh, wonderful...I love it when small churches show what they are really made of...

Crimson Rambler said...

that is just GREAT!