Monday, November 03, 2008

Paying Attention in November # 2

My clients truly are my teachers. The first person I saw this morning is one of my best. He never fails to make me laugh at least once when I see him. And he has taught me so much about compassion and forgiveness and moving beyond what afflicts you that sometimes it takes my breath away. V could so easily be a bitter angry man, given all that has happened to him, but instead he was telling me how he has decided that he feels compassion for his father who abused him, and that he realizes that if some of the hard things that have happened to him had not done so, he may not be the man he is. So he has come to peace with the events of his life, and on a good day, even feels gratitude for them. God was all over that hour.


Rev SS said...

Thanks be to God, for your gifts to V's healing; and for V's gifts to you.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh, thank you for sharing this. It's a good reminder to me to embrace all of my past.

Terri said...

yay....thanks be to God for these small gifts that keep us centered...