Sunday, November 18, 2007

NaBloPoMo Gratitude #18

Well it has been quite a weekend. The Messiah on Friday, and the high school offerings of South Pacific last night and Godspell today after church, interspersed with a very long day of sermon writing, and a lovely walk and good conversation yesterday and supplying for the first time today. I had a feeling that sometime this month, it would finally come to this....tonight is the night....I am grateful for my warm soft bed.


Terri said...

So, having read the NaBloPoMo site I guess I'll really be stretching it to post about gratitude in Advent. Kind of a merge between your blog and the that OK with you? I'd like to encourage the parish to do it fact I'm thinking I'll post a reflection on gratitude on both my personal blog and the church blog for everyday in Advent...and encourage the parish to ponder what they are grateful for...

what do you think?

Oh, and thanks for the inspiration!!! (once again)....

RevDrKate said...

Sure...while it has been a stretch some days (grin) it has been a good thing to direct my mind in this way. I don't want to blow my thunder here as I want to do a whole post on "gratitude for the days of gratitude" soon...but I will say that what the spiritual teachers tell you about where you direct your attention is where it goes is surely surely true. So I'd say....GO FOR IT!