Friday, November 23, 2007

NaBloPoMo Gratitude #23

There is no doubt in my mind what I am grateful for today...the 1149 word sermon that literally fell out of my head onto my laptop in less than two hours before I even got out of bed this morning. This is the third time I've preached this month, and while for some clergy that is par for the course, in my little trivocational life, it's rather a stretch. So I'm even more thrilled to have this done and still have Saturday before me, with only a choir rehearsal and some school stuff to do. Oh, and the rest of the Advent candle lighting service to put some finishing touches on. But that's for next week. I'm so far ahead of the curve I'm giddy with gratitude.


more cows than people said...

well, woohoo! thanks be to God. you are WAY ahead. good for you.

Barbara B. said...

wow; way cool!

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Isn't is just grand when those sermon come together like that.

Katherine E. said...

Wow. A sermon that fell out of your head and onto the paper in less than two hours. That's GREAT! I'd love to read it (if you want to post it...) :-)